This section contains a variety of tools and resources to support publishers who are considering moving towards Diamond OA publishing.
A series of high-level articles that explain Diamond OA publishing, the Diamond Open Access Standard (DOAS) and the seven core components of DOAS.
A series of more in-depth articles that look at specific areas of DOAS.
This self-assessment tool provides an intuitive user experience for publishers to analyse their level of compliance with the DOAS or sustainability parameters. The tool consists of two parallel instances that can be completed sequentially, if desired.
A series of answers to FAQs selected by the authors of these tools and resources.
A glossary of terms used in these tools and resources.
Links to other toolkits and resources of interest to open access publishers and other stakeholders.
This section contains a suite of resources for publishers, service providers and funders to support the sustainability of institutional publishing. These resources are a mixture of tools, templates, case studies, and longer reports with suggestions for further reading.
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